East Coast Prop Party (March 2005) A long-overdue weekend with my friends. Although the actual prop party occurs on Saturday at a rented firehall, the highlight of these semi-annual events has become the Friday night "pre-party" in the hotel bar. We certainly whooped it up this time, which was reflected in part by the extremely subdued atmosphere on Saturday night, as many of us recovered from overindulging the night before. "It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage...."
This party stands out as one of the most enjoyable, in large part because of the comfortable friendships that have deepened over the years. We've become a tightknit but ever-expanding group, and this was yet another fun opportunity to see old friends, and get to meet some new people.
And of course, there was lots of cool stuff, though that goes without saying. Can't wait 'til the next one....